You’ll get no Flack from Flax

It has been a long time since making a post, and it’s long overdue. I was at the Alberta Avenue Farmer’s Market a few weeks ago, and I met a local grower of organic grains. He asked me if I did any baking, and I told him that I didn’t anymore. John mentioned that he had some flax and pancake mix, and we got talking. I mentioned this blog, and I tried his flax.

A bag of organic golden flax seed

This is the bag of flax from John. It costs $5 a bag, and I am still using it.

John and his wife Cindy Schneider run Gold Forest Grains, He has an informative blog written in a fun style.

Cindy on the left and John on the right.

Anyway, back to the flax. John had mentioned it would make a great sesame seed substitute and I totally agree. I made a vegetable stir fry, using the flax, and it turned out wonderfully. Flax is high in omega 3, which is heart healthy, so if you use it in stir-frys, Flax can be used in a variety of uses. A person could put a handful into yogurt to add a crunch, into breads, and just eaten alone as a snack.

Some people say that flax needs to be ground for consumption. For me, that’s so if I am going to use it in something like a bread. On the other hand, if you put the flax seed into a dish at the beginning, or, in the case of yogurt, stir it in and leave it for a few minutes, the flax softens. Then the seed doesn’t pass through you and it becomes an excellent source of fiber. I have used a small hand full each day with my yogurt, and I have found it to be beneficial. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to eat yogurt without pain.

Flax has been grown and used since the beginning of civilization and is rich in protein. This can aid a person if they have chosen to have a vegetarian diet. More information can be found at the Canadian Flax Council.

Thai Vegetarian Stir Fry with Flax


sliced and slightly caramelized

blended sesame oil
1 onion, halved, then sliced.
1 package oriental blend frozen vegetables (or whatever you like to use)
1/2 green pepper halved, then sliced
1/4 – 1/2 zucchini quartered then sliced
2 tbsps peanut butter
1 hand full coconut
lime juice
vegetable broth
1-2 hand fulls flax
Chinese 5 spice powder
pepper to taste
Dried chilis to taste
2 packages fresh shanghai Noodles

Vegetables before the noodles

Heat your wok to medium and pour in a tsp of oil. Sprinkle in your 5 spice powder and pepper. Then toss in your flax. Cut up your onion, but keep an eye on your wok. If it gets too hot, pour in a little broth. Slightly caramelize the onions (see previous article regarding this). Then toss in your green pepper, zucchini, and Oriental blend. If your mixture starts to burn at any time, put in more broth.

globs of sauce on top just before stirring

In another bowl, combine peanut butter, chilis, coconut broth, and lime juice with a whisk. The sauce should be of medium thickness. You should be able to taste the lime. Toss in the noodles and then the peanut mixture. When the noodles are cooked, serve.

My husband is holding the bowl of stir-fry (or whatever you want to call it.)

Here are some more recipes.

About Michelle Earl

Hi. I'm Michelle, and I live in Edmonton Alberta with my husband. I have been writing as far back as I can remember. I write primarily fantasy and poetry, but I do dabble in other genres. I am a legally blind artist and author, creator of several blogs. I am also married. I like to draw, paint, garden, and do crafts, all when I have the time and energy. I belong to the Salvation Army Edmonton Crossroads Community Church in Edmonton.
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4 Responses to You’ll get no Flack from Flax

  1. This sounds like a freat recipe! Can’t wait to give it a try!

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    • I’m glad you like it. I hope to have more fairly soon and hope you will follow my blog. Summer’s coming, and I’m hoping to bring in some adventures from the community garden I’m involved in, plus an article on the farmer’s market celebration coming up! Enjoy!

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